We can solve almost any problem by talking. Talking things through usually leads to greater understanding and builds a stronger relationship.
If you have a service-related comment or complaint, let your worker know directly that you are not feeling good about something and clearly explain the issue. If you are not happy with your worker’s response, you can contact your worker’s manager. If you are dissatisfied and wish to escalate your comment or complaint, ask to speak with the worker’s Director of Service. You are also welcome to reach out if you are not sure whom to speak with.
When you contact us, please be prepared to provide your worker’s name and/or any other details necessary to help us connect you with the right individual. You can get in contact with us by email at complaints@fcsgw.org or by phone at 519-824-2410, extension 4111, or 1-800-265-8300, extension 4111.
Most complaints that we receive are resolved informally using the above approaches. However, if your complaint cannot be resolved informally below is a summary of how to make a formal complaint. For more details please read our Feedback and Complaints brochure.
As a child or youth in care or under a voluntary agreement with the agency, you have the right to speak up and ask for help if you think your rights have been violated or if you aren’t getting the services you deserve. We know that this can be a bit scary, but we want to work with you to make sure that you are getting the help and support that you need in a way that makes you feel valued, heard, and respected. Please read our Complaints procedure for children and youth in care, on VYSA, or RSG to learn more.
Formal Complaints
You can make a formal complaint if talking to your worker, manager, or Director of Service is not resolving your concern. The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services created these review processes to be fair and objective to help you address your concerns.
The first way to make a formal complaint is to put your complaint in writing and mail it to us at 275 Eramosa Road, Box 1088, Guelph N1H 6N3 or you can drop it off. You may also download the Ministry form “Formal Complaint to a Society’s Internal Complaints Review Panel (ICRP)“.
You can also make a complaint through the provincial Child and Family Services Review Board (CFSRB). You can get the forms you need from the CFSRB at http://www.sjto.gov.on.ca/cfsrb/ or you can call them at 1-888-777-3616.
The Ontario Ombudsman has the authority to investigate complaints about services to children and youth in care. You can find more information at
You can find more details on the above processes by reading our Feedback and Complaints brochure.
If you have any questions please call us at
519-824-2410, extension 4111 or
1-800-265-8300, extension 4111.